Jumat, 16 Januari 2015

PDF⋙ Great Gluten-Free Baking: Over 80 Delicious Cakes and Bakes by Louise Blair

Great Gluten-Free Baking: Over 80 Delicious Cakes and Bakes by Louise Blair

Great Gluten-Free Baking: Over 80 Delicious Cakes and Bakes

Great Gluten-Free Baking: Over 80 Delicious Cakes and Bakes by Louise Blair PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Coeliac disease-or gluten intolerance-affects more than one million people in the United States. Now, thanks to these luscious, easy-to-follow recipes, all those people can eat a gluten-free diet and still enjoy delicious cakes, pies, muffins, cookies, and other fabulous baked goods. In this tempting selection of more than 90 gluten-free treats-from melt-in-your-mouth cookies to rustic home-baked breads-the author, a leading authority on cooking for people with special dietary needs, delivers plenty of lip-smacking flavor. Enjoy decadent creations like Tiramisu Cupcakes, Hazelnut and Chocolate Macaroons, and Coconut and Mango Cake. She also includes lots of recipes children will love to eat (and help bake), including Messy Marshmallow Crispies and Flower Fairy Cakes.

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