Rationality and Modernity: Essays in Philosophical Pragmatics by Gunnar Skirbekk
Rationality and Modernity: Essays in Philosophical Pragmatics by Gunnar Skirbekk PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This book deals with rationality and modernity, focusing on the philosophical discussion of contexuality and universality concerning rationality and basic norms. Its perspective is that of the "pragmatic turn." Its discursive dimension is that of a mutual criticism between hermeneutic contextualism on the one hand and trans-contextual pragmatics on the other, or more precisely, between contextual praxeology as found in the late Wittgenstein and universal pragmatics as in Apel or in Habermas. Its basic concern is that of elaborating an improved conception of rationality as situated but still universally valid. On the one hand attempts are made to defend a pragmatic (gradualistic and "post-sceptical") notion of universal reason, including basic norms, and on the other hand there are attempts at case-oriented "piecemeal negotiations" and "sublations" by the use of arguments from absurdity (including self-referential arguments). Hence that which is philosophically novel and important can be summarized in terms of a pragmatic meliorism which allows for a universality denied by contextualist positions. At the same time this pragmatic meliorism, emphasizing attempts at overcoming the "negative," avoids some of the problems inherent in universalistic positions which predominately operate with "positive" goals and ideals.From reader reviews:
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