Ladies of Liberty: The Women Who Shaped Our Nation by Cokie Roberts
Ladies of Liberty: The Women Who Shaped Our Nation by Cokie Roberts PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In this eye-opening companion volume to her acclaimed history Founding Mothers, number-one New York Times bestselling author and renowned political commentator Cokie Roberts brings to life the extraordinary accomplishments of women who laid the groundwork for a better society. Recounted with insight and humor, and drawing on personal correspondence, private journals, and other primary sources, many of them previously unpublished, here are the fascinating and inspiring true stories of first ladies and freethinkers, educators and explorers. Featuring an exceptional group of women including Abigail Adams, Dolley Madison, Rebecca Gratz, Louise Livingston, Sacagawea, and others Ladies of Liberty sheds new light on the generation of heroines, reformers, and visionaries who helped shape our nation, finally giving these extraordinary ladies the recognition they so greatly deserve."
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