Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 41: Tinkering Toys
Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 41: Tinkering Toys PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A whole issue devoted to toys for makers! Toys are big players in the maker world. From educational (STEM/STEAM) to robotics and science, toys provide stimulation, simulation, and prototyping. Make: Volume 41 highlights the latest games and gadgets that have come from the maker community, and provides hands-on inspiration for making your own tech-infused toys.
In the Tinkering Toys issue:
- Build a Mobile Sandbox Excavator
- Going Pro: How to Make Your Toy a Reality
- Arduino and littleBits Team Up
- Teach Kids to Program with Robots
- Retro-Renaissance: A roundup of perennial toy favorites (Erector Set, Tinkertoys, and more)
- Nerf Sentry Gun
- Sound-Powered Drawbot
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