Magic Lantern Guides®: Nikon D7000 Multimedia Workshop by Lark Books
Magic Lantern Guides®: Nikon D7000 Multimedia Workshop by Lark Books PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
o Camera Specific 80-minute DVD: Take full advantage of your camera's impressive features by following the authoritative DVD guide made just for your model. Created by photographersfor photographers, this in-depth, instructional DVD covers specific camera featuresand functions. It allows you to easily navigate between different topics and reviewspecific chapters anytime so you can learn at your own pace.
o Taking Great Digital Photos 64-page book: Get started right with your digital photography. Learn all about digital file formats, getting accurate color with white balance, how f/stops and shutter speeds work together to create an exposure, and which focal lengths are best for various subjects. This full-color guide is packed with digital picture-taking tips and is perfect for anyone who wants to get the most from their camera.
o Great Photos with Your Digital SLR 60-minute DVD: Finally, help is at hand to demystify shooting with a digital SLR camera. Live action tutorials show how to compose pictures, choose the best picture-quality settings, improve results with the built-in flash, interpret your histogram, and when to trust your camera's automatic settings or change them yourself.
o Nikon D7000 Quick Reference Wallet Card: This laminated take-along is the ideal in-the-field key to camera and menu operations.
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