Community-Based Qualitative Research: Approaches for Education and the Social Sciences by Laura Ruth Johnson
Community-Based Qualitative Research: Approaches for Education and the Social Sciences by Laura Ruth Johnson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Community-Based Qualitative Research: Approaches for Education and the Social Sciences by Laura Ruth Johnson is a practical text that integrates theoretical perspectives with guidelines for designing and implementing community-based qualitative research projects. Coverage of participatory research designs and approaches is complemented by chapters on specific aspects of this research process, such as developing relationships and sharing findings to strengthen programs. Included are useful handouts and templates for applying to the reader’s own projects, and end-of-chapter questions for self-reflection and class discussion. Readers will find the book’s engaging case studies, interdisciplinary real-life examples, and insights from project participants as a helpful foundation for future work in the field.From reader reviews:
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